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All posts by Becca Mclachlan

My 4 top tips for menopausal women to help them improve their health, lose weight and  relieve the symptoms

Why the menopause can make you fat! Oestrogen’s are the essence of women. They transform girls into women; help control menstruation and pregnancy; help regulate body temperature, help you sleep, support collagen in your skin, help your memory, concentration and bone density and help keep your mood positive. Oestrogen also protects you from cardiovascular disease […]

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I’m back from India full of gratitude, love and inspiration.

I’ve arrived back from India this weekend full of gratitude, love and inspiration. I’ve had a fabulous experience combining a holiday with my husband filled with sunshine, delicious food and a few G&T’s, whilst also furthering my yoga knowledge, teaching skills and improving my own personal practice. If you’d like to see some more photo’s of what I’ve been getting up to on my travels check out my […]

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Sweet Potato Recipes that will fill you up without filling you out!!

I love sweet potatoes, they are great for filling you up without filling you out. Sweet potatoes are bursting with health benefits too and are inexpensive and delicious. Sweet potatoes have a high vitamin B6 content and are a good source of Vitamin C & D and also contain iron, magnesium and potassium. They are […]

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  Sanskrit – The language of Yoga

Have you ever been to a yoga class and felt confused by the lingo? It may sound like your teacher is speaking in an alien foreign language but what you are hearing is the universal language of yoga which is Sanskrit. Sanskrit, meaning ‘perfected’ or ‘refined’, is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, […]

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Please help the homeless and donate your old Yoga Mat.

PLEASE can you help. Do you have an old yoga mat that is gathering dust in the back of a cupboard? Or maybe you had a new yoga mat as a Christmas gift and are wondering what to do with your old one. I’m supporting Project 16.15 and they are looking for yoga mats that […]

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Welcoming the Winter Solstice with 108 Sun Salutations

December 21st 2017 marks Winter Solstice, its a special day of the year celebrated by many cultures because it marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  Today many yoga students and teachers will gather to honour the season by completing 108 Sun Salutations. Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, […]

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Eliminate ‘Christmas Stress’ by controlling your cortisol levels.

  When we think of the festive season we all have an ideal of what Christmas should be all about. This being, having fun with friends and family with great food, company and seasonal cheer that leaves you feeling relaxed and happy and ready to start the New Year afresh. However, for many people the […]

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